
ASAIL and NALS Awards

All awards are voted on by a committee made up of members of ASAIL and frequent attendees of NALS. Each committee includes at least one ASAIL Board Member.

Nominations for the 2024 Beatrice Medicine, Electa Quinney, and Carter Revard Awards are now open! Please use the form below to submit your nominee. The deadline for nominations is February 28, 2024. Please note, all publications must have a publication date of 2023.

Previous Award Winners

The Beatrice Medicine Awards


Lisa Tatonetti, Written By The Body: Gender Expansiveness and Indigenous Non-Cis Masculinities (University of Minnesota Press, 2021).

Laura Furlan, “The Archives of Deborah Miranda’s Bad Indians.” (SAIL 33.1-2, 2021).


Justin Gage, We Do Not Want the Gates Closed Between Us: Native Networks and the Spread of the Ghost Dance (University of Oklahoma Press, 2020).

Laura M. De Vos, “Spiralic Time and Cultural Continuity for Indigenous Sovereignty: Idle No More and The Marrow Thieves.” (Transomotion 6.2, 2020).

Laura Harjo for her book Spiral to the Stars: Mvskoke Tools of Futurity (University of Arizona Press, 2019).

Jeremiah Garsha for his essay “Red Paint: Transnational Movements of Deconstructing, Decolonizing, and Defacing Colonial Structures.” (Transmotion 5.1, 2019).

Jenny Davis for her book Talking Indian: Identity and Language Revitalization in the Chickasaw Renaissance (University of Arizona Press, 2018).

Shaawano Chad Uran for his essay “Policing Resource Extraction and Human Rights in The Land of the Dead.” (Transmotion 4.1, 2018).

Elizabeth Hoover for her book The River Is In Us: Fighting Toxics in a Mohawk Community (University of Minnesota Press, 2017)

Marcia G. Anderson for her essay “A Bag Worth a Pony: The Art of the Ojibwe Bandolier Bag” in the art book of the same name (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2017).

Brandi Nalani McDougall for her book Finding Meaning: Kaona and Contemporary Hawaiian Literature (University of Arizona Press, 2016).

Jan Johnston for her essay” “‘We Were All at Wounded Knee’: The Engaged Resistance of Folk and Rock in the Red Power Era” from the collection Indigenous Pop: Native American Music from Jazz to Hip Hop edited by Jeff Bergland, Jan Johnson, and Kimberli Lee (University of Arizona Press, 2016).

Stephanie Fitzgerald for her book Native Women and Land: Narratives of Dispossession and Resurgence (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2015).

Susan Bernardin for her essay “Acorn Soup Is Good Food: L. Frank, News from Native California, and the Intersections of Literary and Visual Arts” (Studies in American Indian Literatures 27.3, 2015).

Molly McGlennen for her book Creative Alliances: The Transnational Designs of Indigenous Women’s Poetry (University of Oklahoma Press, 2014)

Phillip Carroll Morgan for “The Maze of Colonialism: The Byrds of Virginia and Indian Territory,” Journal of Chikasaw History and Culture, Vol. XIII, Number One (Spring 2012)

Dean Rader for Engaged Resistance: American Indian Art, Literature, and Film from Alcatraz to the NMAI

Scott Richard Lyons for X-Marks: Native Signatures of Assent

Jill Doerfler for “An Anishinaabe Tribalography: Investigating and Interweaving Conceptions of Identity during the 1910s on the White Earth Reservation”

Susan A. Miller for “Native America Writes Back: The Origin of the Indigenous Paradigm in Historiography.”

Jodi Byrd for “Living My Native Life Deadly”: Red Lake, Ward Churchill, and the Discourses of Competing Genocides.”


The Electa Quinney Award:


Theodore C. Van Alst, Sacred City (University of New Mexico Press, 2021).


David Heska Wanbli Weiden, Winter Counts (Ecco/HarperCollins, 2020).

Beth Piatote for her book The Beadworkers (Counterpoint Press, 2019).

Terese Marie Mailhot for her book Heart Berries (Counterpoint Press, 2018).

Linda LeGarde Grover for her essay collection Onigamiising: Seasons of an Ojibwe Year (University of Minnesota Press, 2017).

Delphine Red Shirt for her book George Sword’s Warrior Narratives: Compositional Processes in Lakota Oral Tradition (University of Nebraska Press, 2017)

Mini Aodla Freeman for the edited collection of stories Life Among the Qallunaat, edited by Keavy Martin, Julie Rak, and Norma Dunning.


The Carter Revard Legacy Award for Best Edited Collection


Nancy J. Peterson and Connie Jacobs, Louise Erdrich’s Justice Trilogy: Cultural and Critical Contexts (Michigan State University Press, 2021).