The purpose of the organization shall be to promote study, criticism, and research on the oral traditions and written literatures of Native Americans; to promote the teaching of such traditions and literatures; and to support and encourage contemporary Native American writers and the continuity of Native oral traditions.

–ASAIL By-laws, 4 January 1991


  • President: Laura Furlan, UMass Amherst
  • Vice-President: Lisa Tatonetti, University of Kansas
  • Secretary: Susan Bernardin, Oregon State University
  • Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
  • Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
  • Grad Student Representative: Madison Fowler-Niblock, University of Oregon
  • Pedagogy Committee Chair: Brian Twenter, Fort Lewis College
  • Professional Development Chair: Becca Gercken, University of Minnesota-Morris
  • SAIL Editor: Kiara M. Vigil, Amherst College
  • Website Editor: Jeremy M. Carnes, University of Central Florida

President: Molly McGlennen, Vassar College in New York
Vice-President: Laura Furlan, UMass Amherst
Secretary: Steve Sexton, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
Grad Student Representative:
Pedagogy Committee Chair: Brian Twenter
Professional Development Chair: Becca Gercken
SAIL Editors: June Scudeler, Simon Fraser University and Siobhan Senier, University of New Hampshire
Website Editor: Jeremy Carnes, University of Central Florida


President: Becca Gercken, University of Minnesota-Morris
Vice-President: Molly McGlennen, Vassar College in New York
Secretary: Steve Sexton, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
Grad Student Representative: Gabriella Friedman
Pedagogy Committee Chair: Brian Twenter
Professional Development Chair: Becca Gercken
SAIL Editors: June Scudeler, Simon Fraser University and Siobhan Senier, University of New Hampshire
Website Editors: Jeremy Carnes, Margaret Noodin, and Maurina Paradise, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

President: Carol Edelman Warrior, Cornell University; served through July 4, 2018; Becca Gercken, University of Minnesota-Morris, stepped in as interim for the remainder of the term
Vice-President: Molly McGlennen, Vassar College in New York
Secretary: Steve Sexton, University of Oklahoma
Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
Grad Student Representative: Gabriella Friedman
Pedagogy Committee Chair: Brian Twenter
Professional Development Chair: Becca Gercken
SAIL Editors: June Scudeler, Simon Fraser University and Siobhan Senier, University of New Hampshire
Website Editors: Jeremy Carnes, Margaret Noodin, and Maurina Paradise, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

President: Becca Gercken, University of Minnesota, Morris
Vice-President: Carol Edelman Warrior, Cornell University
Secretary: Barbara Robins, University of Nebraska-Omaha
Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
SAIL Editors: June Scudeler, Simon Fraser University and Siobhan Senier, University of New Hampshire
Website Editors: Jeremy Carnes, Margaret Noodin, and Maurina Paradise, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

President: Jill Doerfler, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Vice-President: Becca Gercken, University of Minnesota-Morris
Secretary: Barbara Robins, University of Nebraska-Omaha
Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
SAIL Editor: Chadwick Allen, Ohio State University

President: Jill Doerfler, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Vice-President: Becca Gercken, University of Minnesota-Morris
Secretary: Barbara Robins, University of Nebraska-Omaha
Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
SAIL Editor: Chadwick Allen, Ohio State University

President: Margaret Noodin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Vice-President: Jill Doerfler, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Secretary: Barbara Robins, University of Nebraska-Omaha
Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
SAIL Editor: Chadwick Allen, Ohio State University

President: Margaret Noodin, University of Michigan
Vice-President: Jill Doerfler, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Secretary: Tereza Szeghi, University of Dayton
Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
SAIL Editor: Chadwick Allen, Ohio State University

President: Jodi Byrd, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Vice-President: Margaret Noori, University of Michigan
Secretary: Tereza Szeghi, University of Dayton
Treasurer: Jeff Berglund, Northern Arizona University
Historian: Robert Nelson, University of Richmond
SAIL Editors: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Toronto and James Cox, U of Texas

President: Jodi Byrd, U of Illinois
Vice-President: Margaret Noori, U of Michigan
Secretary: Amy Hamilton, Northern Michigan U
Treasurer: [pro tem] Robert Nelson, U of Richmond
Historian: Robert Nelson [ex officio]
SAIL Editors: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Toronto and James Cox, U of Texas

President: Patrice Hollrah, U of Nevada – Las Vegas
Vice-President: Jodi Byrd, U of Illinois
Secretary: Amy Hamilton, Northern Michigan U
Treasurer: [pro tem] Robert Nelson, U of Richmond
Historian: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond [ex officio]
SAIL Editors: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Toronto and James Cox, U of Texas

President: Patrice Hollrah, U of Nevada – Las Vegas
Vice-President: Jodi Byrd, U of Illinois
Secretary: Christina Roberts, Seattle U
Treasurer: Ellen Arnold, East Carolina U
Historian: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond [ex officio]
SAIL Editors: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Toronto and James Cox, U of Texas

President: Debra K. S. Barker, U of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
Vice-President: Patrice Hollrah, U of Nevada – Las Vegas
Secretary: Christina Roberts, U of Arizona
Treasurer: Ellen Arnold, East Carolina U
Historian: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond [ex officio]
SAIL Editor: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Toronto

President: Debra K. S. Barker, U of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
Vice-President: Patrice Hollrah, U of Nevada – Las Vegas
Secretary: Lisa Tatonetti, U of Wisconsin – Oshkosh
Treasurer: Siobhan Senier, U of New Hampshire
Historian: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond [ex officio]
SAIL Editor: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Toronto

President: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Toronto
Vice-President: Debra K. S. Barker, U of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
Secretary: Lisa Tatonetti, U of Wisconsin – Oshkosh
Treasurer: Siobhan Senier, U of New Hampshire
Historian: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond [ex officio]
SAIL Editor: Malea Powell, Michigan State U

President: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Toronto
Vice-President: Debra K. S. Barker, U of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
Secretary: Patrice Hollrah, U of Nevada – Las Vegas
Treasurer-elect: Siobhan Senier, U of New Hampshire
Historian: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond [ex officio]
SAIL Editor: Malea Powell, Michigan State U

President: Chadwick Allen, Ohio State U
Vice-President: Debra K. S. Barker, U of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
Secretary: Patrice Hollrah, U of Nevada – Las Vegas
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Chadwick Allen, Ohio State U
Vice-President: Deborah Miranda, U of Washington
Secretary: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Nebraska – Lincoln
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Joyzelle Godfrey
Vice-President: Deborah Miranda, U of Washington
Secretary: Daniel Heath Justice, U of Nebraska – Lincoln
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Joyzelle Godfrey
Vice-President: Chadwick Allen, Ohio State U
Secretary: Malea Powell, U of Nebraska – Lincoln
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Ginny Carney, U of Kentucky
Vice-President: Chadwick Allen, Ohio State U
Secretary: Ruth Rosenberg, Brooklyn, New York
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Ginny Carney, U of Kentucky
Vice-President: Ken Roemer, U of Texas, Arlington
Secretary: Ruth Rosenberg, Brooklyn, New York
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Susan Scarberry-GarcÍa, Navajo Preparatory School, NM
Vice-President: Ginny Carney, U of Kentucky
Secretary: Ruth Rosenberg
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Susan Scarberry-García, Navajo Preparatory School
Vice-President: Betty Louise Bell, U of Michigan
Secretary: Inés Hernandez-Ávila, U of California, Davis
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Kate Shanley, Cornell U
Vice-President: Betty Louise Bell, U of Michigan
Secretary: Inés Hernandez-Ávila
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Hertha Wong, U of California, Berkeley
Vice-President: Betty Louise Bell
Secretary: Inés Hernandez-Ávila
Treasurer: Robert Nelson, U of Richmond

President: Hertha Wong
Vice-President: Gretchen Ronnow, Northern Arizona U
Secretary: Toby Langen, U of Arizona
Treasurer: Elizabeth McDade, U of Richmond

President: Franchot Ballinger, U of Cincinnati
Vice-President: Greg Sarris
Secretary-Treasurer: Elizabeth McDade, U of Richmond

President, Franchot Ballinger, U of Cincinnati
Vice-President: Andrea Lerner
Secretary-Treasurer: Elizabeth McDade, U of Richmond

President: James Ruppert, U of Alaska, Fairbanks
Vice-President: Franchot Ballinger, U of Cincinnati

President: Kathleen Sands, Arizona State U
Vice-President: James Ruppert, U of Alaska, Fairbanks

President: Daniel F. Littlefield, U of Arkansas, Little Rock

President: Susan Scarberry-GarcÍa, Colorado College

President: Andrew Wiget, New Mexico State U

President: Paul Zolbrod, Allegheny College

President: Elaine Jahner, U of Nebraska

President: Larry Evers, U of Arizona
Secretary: Elaine Jahner, U of Nebraska


President: Jarold Ramsey, U of Rochester
Secretary: Elaine Jahner, U of Nebraska

President: LaVonne Brown Ruoff, U of Illinois, Chicago


Current By-Laws

Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures | Organization By-Laws
January 4, 1991, amended 2002, amended 2004, amended 2009.

I. Name of the organization.
The name of the organization shall be The Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures.

II. Purpose.
{Amended 2009}
The purpose of the organization shall be to promote study, criticism, and research on the oral traditions and written literatures of Native Americans; to promote the teaching of such traditions and literatures; and to support and encourage contemporary Native American writers and the continuity of Native oral traditions. The organization shall operate exclusively for these educational purposes in accordance with section 503(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

III. Membership.
There shall be three categories of membership. The dues within each category shall be established by the Executive Committee following consultation with association members at a business meeting.

  1. Regular membership: Educators professionally interested in the above-stated purpose of the organization or persons otherwise active in furthering such goals may become regular members of the association.
  2. Limited income membership: Persons retired from professions relevant to the above-stated purpose and Native American writers may apply for membership in this category. Also, graduate students engaged in courses of study in Native American oral traditions or writing may for a maximum of four years become members at this level, provided they do not hold full-time teaching positions.
  3. Patron Persons who contribute at higher financial levels than required for regular membership may join the association at this level.
  4. Honorary membership Honorary membership may be granted to distinguished persons of letters and scholars of any nationality upon nomination by the Executive Committee and election by the membership at an association business meeting.

Only members in good standing may hold office in the association and vote in association elections and meetings.

IV. Officers & Responsibilities

  • The officers of the association shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer.
  • With the advice of the Executive Committee, the president shall administer the affairs of the association. The president shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and at associate business meetings. Also, the president shall communicate regularly with members through the association journal concerning association business.
  • The vice-president shall preside at all Executive Committee meetings and business meetings from which the president must be absent. In addition, the vice-president shall assume presidential administrative duties when so requested by the president and the Executive Committee and shall serve as liaison with other organizations whose professional purposes correspond to ASAIL’s.
  • The secretary shall record the minutes of Executive Committee meetings and of membership business meetings. A summary of business meeting minutes shall be published in the association journal as soon as feasible following each meeting. The secretary shall also preserve minutes of all meetings for five years and shall pass these on to the succeeding secretary.
  • The treasurer shall collect and manage association funds (including keeping accurate and current records of association income, assets, and expenses) so as to further association goals. As major instruments for achieving these goals, the association journal and newsletter shall receive priority in the expenditure of association funds. In addition, the treasurer shall maintain accurate and current membership lists and shall answer all queries regarding membership. The treasurer shall also make financial reports at Executive Committee meetings and at association business meetings. The association financial records shall be available to the Executive Committee upon request.

V. Officers — Election

  • Officers shall be elected from among current membership.
  • {Amended 2002} The slate of nominees for election shall be prepared by the Election Committee prior to the association’s annual business meeting at the Native American Literature Symposium.
  • {Amended 2002} Election of officers shall be by secret ballot at the annual business meeting during the Native American Literature Symposium. However, in unusual and compelling circumstances, the Executive Committee may, with the approval of the members present at this meeting, choose to conduct the election by mail ballot.
  • Terms and Sequence of Elections
    • The initial election officers shall be conducted as follows: In December, 1991, the president and the treasurer shall be elected to two year terms; the vice-president and the secretary shall be elected to one year terms.
    • Beginning with the elections of officers in December, 1992, the election sequence shall be as follows: The president and the treasurer shall be elected to two year terms in odd-numbered years; the vice-president and the secretary shall be elected to two year terms in even-numbered years.
    • {Amended 2002} Beginning with the elections of officers in March, 2004, the election sequence shall be as follows: the secretary and the treasurer shall be elected to two year terms in each odd-numbered year; the president shall automatically be succeeded by the vice-president, and a new vice-president elected, in each even-numbered year.
  • Neither the president nor the vice-president may be elected to consecutive terms.

VI. Executive Committee

  • The Executive Committee shall meet as often as feasible to conduct association business. In any event, the Committee shall meet at least once a year at the Modern Language Association convention and once prior to the business meeting at the association’s own convention, if any.
  • {Amended 2004} The membership of the Executive Committee shall include the president, the vice-president, the secretary, the treasurer, the editor of the association journal, and the association historian.
  • The responsibilities of the Committee shall be:
    • to further the goals of the organization;
    • to initiate and supervise the services of the association;
    • to approve the budget of the association and to supervise its expenditure and to act on proposals regarding dues structure and subscription rates for publications;
    • to make recommendations to the membership, to act on recommendations by members, and to inform members of actions taken;
    • to establish and discharge committees, either on recommendation of the membership or on its own initiative, and to designate their chairs;
    • {Amended 2004} to oversee publications, media, and archives of the association, including appointing, assisting, and advising the editor of the association journal and the association historian;
    • to plan conventions and other meetings of the association.

VII. Association Meetings

  • {Amended 2002} The association shall hold business meetings during either the Native American Literature Symposium or its own convention, if any, and during the annual Modern Language Association convention.
  • The association shall hold conventions at times and places determined by the Executive Committee. In an emergency, the Executive Committee shall have the power to cancel a convention.
  • Conventions shall be planned by the Executive Committee with the advice of a program committee appointed by the Executive Committee.
  • Association sessions at the annual Modern Language Association convention shall be planned by session chairs appointed by the Executive Committee.

VIII. Amendments

  • Proposals for amendments to these by-laws may be initiated by the Executive Committee or by any association member.
  • {Amended 2002} All amendments to be brought before the membership shall be published at least ninety days before the business meeting at which they are to be voted on or mailed to members at least thirty days before the business meeting.
  • Amendments must be approved by a majority of those voting at the business meeting. With the approval of those present at such a meeting, the Executive Committee may choose to conduct the voting among the entire membership by mail.

IX. Dissolution

  • The association may be dissolved only by a vote of the members present at a special meeting called for that purpose.
  • {Amended 2009} On the dissolution of the association, all property remaining after the satisfaction of the association’s obligations shall be distributed as the Executive Committee directs, choosing the recipients from non-profit Native American educational institutions whose goals are consistent with the interests of the association and who qualify as exempt within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

N.B. At the 12/29/90 business meeting, the membership directed the officers to proceed with incorporation. If the above document is passed by ASAIL members, the officers shall take such acceptance as authority to add to the by-laws immediately (without recourse to the above amending procedure) such language as incorporation may require.